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Ithaca, NY, United States
woman.mother.partner.searcher.thinker. laugher.friend.a-hole.

Monday, June 16, 2008

WANTED: Gay Poster Children. (must have own subaru. bi-racial children a plus)

i try to keep up on current events, it helps me to feel connected to the world from the remote satellite location of at-home motherville. i check in daily with the new york times and npr websites. i wake-up most days with matt, meredith, and ann (i do not claim al- he is a tool), and i often see what they are gabbing about on the nightly news while i make dinner. some items stick in my brain, and others float through moving on to grayer matter. in addition, i am making an effort to blog regularly here on my (not-so) fancy new site- this too is an effort to connect myself to the outside world and feel i am a part of the larger global dialog. i don't want to blog every day only about my kids, (even though i often find them more interesting than the information being presented in the news.) so as i am reading headlines i am wondering what i should make comment about, what is worth adding to the dialog on? what i've decided on for today is (gasp) gay marriage.

i should preface and state that i am gay. and married. and no, i don't have official paperwork to prove it. and while "they" are arguing their points and working out the details in this painstakingly slow national debate my wife and i have been doing this: meeting, falling in love, traveling, working, getting a dog, buying a house, getting another dog, getting another dog:), adopting a baby, selling a house, buying another house, protesting wars, getting married, adopting another baby, selling another house, getting degrees, having careers, changing careers, making soups, moving to a new city, buying another house, raising our kids, celebrating some milestones and mourning some losses, all the while fighting/laughing/loving a lot. that's our last decade. the debate swirls around us and well meaning friends and family give us their two cents/support/judgments. but whatever the law is and whatever the level of support is, nothing has slowed us down. when we are denied a right, we figure out how to get what we need. when someone says "no", we ask someone else. we fight when we need to, and we let it go when we can. we had an amazing wedding, and we did feel a deeper sense of commitment after that magical day. so i wonder now if would feel any more married with that piece of paper? i really don't think so. i would feel safer, i would feel relieved, i would feel protected under the law. but not more married. basically what i'm getting at is that the right wing conservative gay bashing a-holes aren't preventing me and my wife from living our lives one iota. (sidebar: what the hell is an iota?) would we get the paper if we could? sure we would. we'd be idiots not to. but when i look back on the last decade of our life without this magical mysterious paper i think, we're doing alright. we're making headway. for example: we are poised on the brink of being the first lesbian couple to access same sex health benefits from the local electrical workers union. not having the paper didn't stop that. we were the first lesbian couple to adopt a child that was neither of ours biologically from a rural MN county. not having the paper didn't stop that either. we've bought houses together, no papers needed. a crap load of insurance, nada paper. and on and on. while "they" continue to argue we are quietly and consistently building our family, a family that sits firmly on the foundation of a marriage. do they know that they can't stop us anymore than i can stop them from having 14 children and not cutting their hair? 'cause i know i can't stop them from having what they call family so i don't try. i wish they would afford me the same distance and apathy. that's really what i'm asking for here: apathy from the right. :-)
i feel fired up- ergo, i must rhyme.


ode to the right (aka: mock and awe)

your mom is gay
your daddy flies the flag
gram likes the ladies
grandpa is a fag
your uncle is a homo
your auntie is a hag
as far as i'm concerned
that's close enough to gay.

the right wing is all wrong
their hair is way too long
dresses to the floor
their rhetoric's a bore

this country's out of sync
morals off the map
our president's a dink
our laws are full of crap
keepin' some folks out
is never gonna work
my constitution rights
are not a fucking perk.

pat robertson can bite me
mccain's a fancy lass
pawlenty's being groomed
to take it up the ass

stealin' money from the poor
and givin' to the rich
we all know mr. bush
is cheney's little bitch

now the jig is up
and the truth came clear
you voted for the war
you voted out of fear
don't be so surprised
you got what you deserve
i guess i'm not the only
dirty little perv

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