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Ithaca, NY, United States
woman.mother.partner.searcher.thinker. laugher.friend.a-hole.

Saturday, June 14, 2008


as my eldest would say, "it's a golden day!" and it was. i'm sure for most out in the world saturdays are usually "golden", but for us they can be a grit-your-teeth-and-bear-it kind of situation. my lovely wife works doubles over the weekend and saturday is the final day of a 3-day stint of her gone and me home alone with the children. yikes. by saturday they are usually bickering like crazy, and climbing all over me with 'what can we do's' and so forth, never satisfied with the list of choices i give. usually by mid-day on a saturday i have developed a permanently furrowed brow and a tic. but not today! this fair june day proved to be quite golden indeed. and there is no special reason or big adventure or exciting news. it was just a really nice day. they played nicely together. i got some gardening done and they TOOK TURNS helping me. they worked together and made a comic strip with chalk on the driveway. we all sat and chatted out in the yard while enjoying some izze soda. and we had blueberry pancakes for dinner, which was georgias reward of choice for pedaling her bike on only 2 wheels successfully for the first time. (YEA!!). overall the day was no big whoop, nothing that would make history books or even scrapbooks. it was just... nice. i would like more days like today.

quote of the week...
from: georgia
context: we were at the minneapolis institute of art with our museum adventure pass:
"wow mommy, i really like it here! i thought it would be boring and hard not to touch stuff, but this art is really good."

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