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Ithaca, NY, United States
woman.mother.partner.searcher.thinker. laugher.friend.a-hole.

Saturday, March 13, 2010


the relationship of siblings is an odd thing. either you are close to each other and would jump in front of a moving train for your beloved bro or sis, or you have a strained relationship and you would jump in front a train...um, er... wait... that's the same result. why is that? is it some intrinsic connection born from genetics, or spending our formative years under the same roof? yeah, i think it is. i can give diverse examples from my own life to illustrate my point, and you know i love to tell stories to illustrate my point.

example one: my sister. we are very close, some say there are twin-like similarities between us, and yet we are nine years apart and were raised in completely different families. (abridged version: the 'rents got knocked up, gave her up for adoption, later got married and had 2 more kids, which unfortunately they kept.) we met when i was 16 and she was 24, we look alike, we talk alike, sometimes we even walk alike, or something like that. our lives mirror each other in inexplicably odd ways; and yes, i would jump in front of a train for her.

example two: my bro. we are not so close. in fact currently he is not talking to me on account of my moving away from our home state. he feels betrayed and abandoned. he is 1.5 years older than me, but i am truly his big sister. i have always protected him and provided him with necessary emotional shields needed to survive in a family of origin like ours. we fight on a regular basis. when we were little it was physical fighting, now it is verbal. we can go 'round and 'round never seeing eye to eye; and yes i would jump in front of a train for him. this one is more perplexing to me, i mean he is an ass. truly, if you met him you'd know what i mean. he is a big beer guzzling-shouting at the sports team on the tv-booming voice-not thinking before he speaks (or acts)-swedish ASS. so why would i jump? not sure, but i would. even if i don't talk to him for a long time, and he's mad at me forever, i still would.

example 3: my kids. sisters to the core, the kind they portray on tv, the kind that love each other, get each other, and are best friends; and they are adopted from entirely separate biological families. we in this house cling to each other, each understanding the frailty of the family unit in a profound way. i have no doubt that either of them would jump for the other, of course they would. z. would most likely be lecturing g. as she did it, but no one messes with her little sister... except for her on a daily basis.


APS412 said...

If it makes you feel any better, my bro stopped talking to me, too, when he came to the conclusion that I wasn't moving back to the frozen homeland. I don't get it. Abandonment.

He talks to me now. But -- get this -- he's moving to SAUDI ARABIA this summer.

Yes, sibs are weird.

R. said...


AnneSchuette said...

Yeah, I'd jump for my two assholes.

Jane said...

I would only jump for some of mine;)

Unknown said...

so weird. despite all of this or maybe because of it (or probably both), i frequently wish that i was not an only child.