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Ithaca, NY, United States
woman.mother.partner.searcher.thinker. laugher.friend.a-hole.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

the sex factor

so i'm watching :the biggest loser" and it's at-home week for them. i find myself wondering...who got laid? several of the contestants seem visibly *lighter*, and more laid (pun intended) back. so i'm curious, can we see the results of this sexual quandary on the scale? if we can, what will those results be? will the recently satiated contestants prevail and triumph over the scale, or will the continued sexually frustrated channel their efforts into big weight loss... it's interesting. because i am a wonderer i take it a step further and wonder about the newly laid, versus the old-married- laid folks as well. does the guy or girl who has been married several years and sees their spouse after an absence get the same euphoric results as the not-so-fat guy/girl who just got newly laid by a fan turned partner? how much does that new romance factor, factor? in other words, we've secretly replaced darius' sexless existence with repeated romps in the hay...let's see what happens.

1 comment:

R. said...

results seemed varied to me. some seemingly newly laid folks scored big on the scale (the cute cousins, sam and koli), while others (daris) seemed to be floating on a cloud of sex haze and pulled low numbers compared to his other weeks. what do you think?