About Me

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Ithaca, NY, United States
woman.mother.partner.searcher.thinker. laugher.friend.a-hole.

Monday, June 29, 2009

breathe in, breathe out...

...plans are progressing.  some moments it feels like a smooth and swift current is leading us eastward and some it feels like we are wading through cement.  i made the calls to the family of origin.  save for my sister (love her) and her family there's not really anyone in the family arena to miss here.  we haven't been met with much (read:any) support for this move by them; the good news there is that they've never really supported any major life decisions so there is comfort in the familiar.

all that said, there are plenty of people we consider to be a part of our extended family network that we will miss terribly.  in that vein i just wanted to say that we will make an annual summer sojourn back to the MN areas that we have called home each summer.  it is important to us to see you all, and your warm wishes and sentiments of missing us are all deeply felt.  we are so thankful to have people out there who love our family and who really see us.  we love you all too.  just in case i (we) haven't told you enough.


AnneSchuette said...


R. said...

oh you, my little ray of sunshine. i will surely miss you the most. no offense. great. just kidding.

AnneSchuette said...

I'll put a ray of sunshine where the sun don't shine. Wait...what?