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Ithaca, NY, United States
woman.mother.partner.searcher.thinker. laugher.friend.a-hole.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

ass kicker

wow, it's been a long time since i posted. this summer break is kicking my ass a little. home with the littles is harder than it might seem. here's what we've been up to: g's b-day, which came with a slew of parties. biking, izzy got a 3-wheeler, and g is on 2 wheels!! playdates, the park, library, beach, errands, summer parties, breaking up fights, gardening, and on and on. nothing ever stops, it doesn't even slow down so one might catch her breath. i don't know why i think it should?

one important thing i've learned this summer: even my well behaved sweet children can turn into little monsters when forced to spend too much time together. it hadn't occurred to me, but they have not spent this much time together before now. izzy is usually in summer school and has been since g. was 2. g. is used to setting her itinerary and expects that izzy will comply. izzy didn't get that memo. and because we're pacifist hippies our kids have learned to talk every damn thing into the ground. for instance, one eavesdropping on our backyard might hear a conversation like this:

G: "izzy, let's play school"
Izzy: "i do not want to do that george."
G: "YES! i want you to!! you're the just-got-born baby who goes to school and i'm the teacher! LAY DOWN!!"
Izzy (hands inverted on hips): "i do not have to do that george. i do not want to lay down. you are not in charge of me. i am in charge of my body george."
G (in full whine now): "IIIIIZZZZZZZZYYYYY! when you don't play with me i feel frustrated !! i'm going to tell mommy."
Izzy: "No george. i do not want you to tell mommy. i'll play school, but i'm going to be captain underpants. i'm not a just got born baby george. you are not in charge of me."
G: " MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMYYYYYYYYY! izzy won't play with me!"
Izzy(hands back on hips): "i'm telling mommy too george. i'm telling her that you are not the boss of me george. do you think PBS kids is on george? "

Me:" georgia, you're not in charge of izzy. izzy, stop lecturing georgia, and no you can't watch tv. go outside and play."

and on and on. i could just record and play my line on repeat every 20 minutes and that would pretty much do it. seems like it might be charming and funny, but trust me after days and days of the same scenario you would be pulling your hair out too! such is the life of an at-home feminist who finds herself parenting i suppose. i never thought a couple of 38 and 63 pounders could kick my ass, i guess that's just one more thing i was wrong about.

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